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Restaurant manager operations FAQ

The following functions can be performed by managers or admins on workstations in table-service restaurants, quick-service restaurants, and bars.

Edit menu availability

You can change the availability for menu items that are out of stock or have limited quantity. 

  1. Log in to the Workstation using your manager ID and navigate to the manager procedures screen. From there select edit menu item availability. 
  2. Use the filters on the right-hand side to find the menu item and select it. Select one of the following options:
  • out of stock will make this menu item unable to be ordered on the device.
  • limited quantity - set the number of this item remaining and that number will continue to tick down as the orders come in.

3. Finally select save. On the transaction page limited quantity items are shown with the actual quantity in the bottom right-hand corner and out of stock items are grayed out.
4.To make all menu items available again select make all menu items available and then select yes. When you're finished, select done.


Assign a magnetic card (RFID card) to an employee
1. Log into the Workstation using your manager ID and go to the manager procedures screen. Select assign employee ID to continue.

2. Enter your manager ID and select OK to continue.

3. Use the filters on the right-hand side to filter by last name or first name the employee names on the screen and select their name to continue. 
4. Swipe the RFID card to the left bottom corner of the workstation. 

Edit Guest Check header and trailer
Guest check headers and trailers are leading and trailing lines that print on checks. Typically
the header lines include the name of the restaurant and address. The trailer lines generally show gratitude or promotional information about upcoming events.
1.    Log in to the Workstation using your manager ID and navigate to the manager procedures screen. Select edit guest check header/trailer.
2.    Use the onscreen keyboard to enter the details to print on the header and header text field. And enter the details to print on the trailer in the trailer text field.


Edit the Customer Receipt header
With the help of this function, you can edit the header of customer receipts.
1.    Log into the Workstation using your manager ID and navigate to the manager procedures screen. Select edit customer receipt header. 
2.    Enter the details to print on the receipt in the header text field.

3. Finally select OK once again on the save successful message.

Redirect the order device
1.    Log into the Workstation using your manager ID and go to the manager procedures screen.
2.    Select redirect order devices.
3.    Select the appropriate order device from the list and then select edit.
4.    Select the device to which you want to redirect the orders that come to the device that you selected in step two. And then select OK. 

Update the database
Updating the Workstation database refreshes the data that appears in the Workstation. This allows you to obtain the latest setting updates from restaurant admin panel.
1.    Log into the Workstation using your manager ID and navigate to the manager procedures screen. Select update database.
2.    Select Yes to proceed with updating the database.

Reload the database
Reloading the workstation database helps when you have made changes in your restaurant admin panel and you want them reflected in the workstation immediately. Alternatively, you could wait 30 minutes for the automatic synchronization between workstation and admin panel.
1.    Log into the Workstation using your manager ID, navigate to the manager procedures screen and select reload database.
2.    Select Yes to continue with the reload of the database.


Property Management Console and how to use it
Property management console (PMC) for is a vital tool that is available to managers or admins directly from the workstations. It offers a lot of tools and information that will help monitor the health of your POS system.
Log in to the workstation using your manager ID and navigate to the manager procedures screen. Select property management console. 
The displayed information may be needed to investigate workstation issues. This may include: 
1.    POS version
2.    workstation ID
3.    style of service that is currently in use on this workstation
4.    the Employee field shows which employee is signed into the workstation
5.    current time reflects the current local time
6.    start time reflects the time when the workstation came online
7.    uptime reflects the time that is passed from start time up until current time

Continue to explore the POS system by learning  what the starter kit contains, how easy it is to install it and how to prepare the location for the POS arrival.


The restaurant POS system is coming soon to US restaurants.





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