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How to perform cash and card refunds in the POS system

This article outlines the steps to refund a purchase made in the restaurant POS, through the workstation or the restaurant administration panel. Pay attention to the time when a check was closed as this influences the steps taken to refund. 

The employee roles who can perform these operations in the workstation are: Admin, Manager or Supervisor. Here is how you can assign the employees roles. Only the restaurant account holder can perform refunds through the administration panel.

Type of refund



Full cash refund of in-store checks or online orders, closed in the same sales day  Workstation

1.Go to homepagePOS Functions → Reopen Closed Check

2.Select the check from the list 

3.Tap Transaction Functions 

4.Select Void Check 

a. select the payment line and tap on Transaction Functions and then tap on Void Item 

b. do not select any line, instead go to Transaction Functions and tap Void Check - this will void all the check items including the payment line

5.Pay the 0 amount check with any of the cash options

Full cash refund of in-store checks or online orders, closed in different sales days Workstation

1.Go to homepageBegin New Check

2.Tap Transaction Functions 

3.Void Item/Return Item/Transaction Return

4.Select the reason

5.Add the menu items

6.Pay the negative amount check with any of the cash options

Full card refund of in-store checks or online orders paid through Oracle Payments, closed in the same sales day Workstation

1.Go to homepagePOS FunctionsReopen Closed Check

2.Select the check from the list

3.Tap Transaction Functions

4.Void Check

5.Pay the 0 amount check with the cash or card tender

Full card refund of in-store checks or online orders paid through Oracle Payments, closed in different sales days Restaurant admin panel

1.Go to the restaurant administration panelReportsList ViewChecks

2.Select the check from the list Show more to expand it

3.Select Payments data tab

4.Click Refund button 

5.Click Refund in the pop-up window to confirm

Partial cash refund of in-store checks or online orders, closed in the same sales day Workstation

1.Go to homepage POS Functions  Reopen Closed Check

2.Select the check from the list

3.Tap to highlight the payment line in the Check Detail Area (Cash)

4.Tap Transaction Functions

5.Tap Void Item

6.Tap to highlight the menu item in the Check Detail Area for which the partial refund is to be performed

7.Tap Transaction Functions → Void Item/Return Item

8.Repeat step 7 to refund multiple menu items

9.Pay the check with any of the cash options

Partial cash refund of in-store checks or online orders, closed in different sales days Workstation

1.Go to homepageBegin New CheckTransaction Functions

2.Select Void Item/Return Item/Transaction Return

3.Select the reason

4.Add the menu items

5.Pay the check with any of the cash options

Partial card refund of in-store checks or online orders paid through Oracle Payments, closed in the same sales day Workstation

1.Go to homepage POS FunctionsReopen Closed Check

2.Select the check from the list

3. Tap to highlight the payment line in the Check Detail Area (e.g. Visa)

4.Tap Transaction Functions

5.Tap Void Item

6. Tap to highlight the menu item the Check Detail Area for which the partial refund is to be performed

7.Tap Transaction Functions → Void Item/Return Item

8.Repeat step 7 to refund multiple menu items

9.Pay the check with any of the card options

Partial card refund of in-store checks or online orders, closed in different sales days Restaurant admin panel

1.Go to the restaurant administration panelReportsList View → Checks

2.Select the check from the listShow more to expand it

3.Select Payments data tab

4.Click Refund button

5.Click Refund in the pop-up window to confirm

Now that you know how voids and refunds can be performed, as Admin, Manager or Supervisor you can check how these are reflected in the reports available on the workstation. If you have the same roles, you can even generate the Property Financial Report to see sales and operations data in depth.



The restaurant POS system is coming soon to US and UK restaurants.


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