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POS workstation gestures

One of the features of the POS workstation is the option to use smart gestures to perform fast actions on the device. Let us see what these gestures are and how restaurant staff can save time by learning how to perform them. 

Void and Quantity Gestures

These gestures can be performed on the workstation within the Table Service, Quick Service and Bar operation styles. 

From the check detail area, you can use gestures to void menu items or to change the quantity of a menu item.

1. To void a menu item:

  • Highlight the item in the check detail.
  • Swipe left or right on the item description. When swiping, a message appears briefly stating Item Voided.

2. To change the menu item quantity in the current round only:

  • Highlight the item in the check detail to increase the number by 1.
  • Perform a long click (long hold) to reset the quantity to the original value.

You cannot change the quantity for a shared menu item in the current or previous rounds. Shared menu items appear as fractions in the check detail (for example, 1/2 or 1/3, depending on the number of guests sharing the item). The following image shows an example of shared item quantity in the check detail area.

To change the menu item quantity for a previous round item, use the Void function.

Seat Gesture

These gestures can be performed on the workstation within the Table Service operation style

From the Table Service check detail area, you can use gestures to change the seat number of a menu item. 
To change the seat number:

  • Highlight the item in the check detail to increase the number by 1.
  • Perform a long click (long hold) to reset the seat number to the original value.


Learn more about the available workstation operation styles and see which one suits your business. 



The restaurant POS system is coming soon to US and UK restaurants.

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