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Restaurant operations – quick service FAQ


The Quick Service operation style allows rapid order intake with quick menu item identification. 

In Quick Service mode, there is no need for a server to open a new check - this is automatically created whenever a previous check is closed. Which means that the sign-in page leads directly to the Quick Service transaction page.

In this page, the family groups are at the top and menu items are at the bottom.

Basic check operations

The areas called out in the image are:

  1. The check area - contains check details such as menu items on the check, menu item addons and choices (e.g.: type of crust for pizza or extra toppings) and the total due.
  2. Order type - select the order type to change the value. In the image example, click Dine-In to change the order type to another (such as Delivery).
  3. Family Groups - when you select a family group you will be able to see all available menu items assigned to a specific category (for example, Pizza or Salads). 
  4. Menu items - select a menu item to add it to the check. Menu item buttons and the family group button are the same color, which cannot be changed. 
  • Add a condiment to a menu item

Select a menu item that has required condiment groups (for example, Beef Burger). The Condiment Orderer tabs appear.

Select a required condiment. When the group is fulfilled, a green check appears and the Condiment Orderer automatically goes to the second tab, and so on until you have selected the required number of condiments from all tabs.
You can also manually select the tabs; this stops the Condiment Orderer from automatically advancing through the tabs. The Previous and Next buttons help with navigation. While in the Condiment Orderer, the selected condiments appear in the check detail area.

Advanced check and transaction operations


5. The Quick Payment keys on the right are set by default. More payments can be configured to appear in the “Other Payments” menu.
6. Selecting Discounts and Services Charges will lead you to a page dedicated to those functions.
7. Selecting Transaction Functions leads the staff to a page containing functions that can be carried out within a check (see them detailed below)
8. Selecting Manager Functions leads to a tabbed page containing POS Functions (see them detailed below), POS Reports, and Manager Procedures.
9. The Sign Out button changes to Cancel Transaction when a transaction has started.

Transaction Functions

Check out the operations that a server can perform to easily take orders and manage checks in this mode.


1. Void a check 
You can use the Void Check function to void all detail lines on a check for previous rounds.

  • Pick up a check.
  • Click Transaction Functions and Void Check.
  • Select the reason for the void from the list. The check detail area appears blank.

2. Void an item 
Perform one of the following to void a menu item:

  • Using gestures, select the menu item to void in the check detail area, and then swipe right or left on the item description. An Item Voided message appears briefly.
  • or select the menu item to void in the check detail area, click Transaction Functions or and then click Void Item

3. Return Item 
A return may be required for various reasons, such as when the wrong item was ordered, the guest changed their mind, an item is cold rather than hot, an order is spilled or is out of stock. 
This function takes the check into a Return mode, but only allows the return of one item; the Transaction Return function allows multiple returns until the Return mode is deselected.
The Return Item function is used for items that were already sent to the kitchen.
If the menu item was not yet sent, then you can simply use the Void item (in the Transaction Functions menu) operation which just removes the item from the check.

  • Select a check or begin a new check. Click Transaction Functions
  • Without selecting any item from the list, click on Return Item functionality, this will mark your check with a Return banner above the check detail. 
  • Then add an item from the menu. The menu item added to the check is considered a return. The returned menu item shows a negative quantity in the check detail area. 
  • Select from the default reason for the return.

 Please be aware that when you select an item, the Return mode is switched off.

4. Transaction Return 
The Transaction Return function takes the check into a Return mode, like the Return Item function. However, Transaction Return allows multiple returns until the Return mode is deselected. Return Item only allows the return of one item.

  • Pick up a check or begin a new check and click Transaction Functions. 
  • Click Transaction Return. A Return mode banner appears above the check detail.
  • Select the reason for the return from the list.

All menu items added to the check after this point are considered returns and show as a negative quantity on the check. If you click Transaction Return again, the Return mode stops.

5. Cancel transaction 
You can use the Cancel Transaction function to cancel a check if it has not been sent (service totaled). It only cancels new menu items on a sent check. The check is left open.

The Cancel Transaction button is on the Transaction Functions menu. Click Cancel Transaction to cancel the transaction, and then click Yes to confirm.

6. Reprint Credit Voucher 
You can use this function to reprint a credit card voucher that needs to be signed by the customer.  
To print a credit card voucher, click Transaction Functions, and then click Reprint Credit Voucher.

7. Tax Exempt 
You can use the Tax Exempt function to change the highlighted menu item on the check to be free from tax.

  • Click Transaction Functions and then Tax Exempt. The check detail area shows the updated Tax Total.
  • Select the option again to reapply the tax. You may be required to enter a description of the tax. 

8. Tax Exempt All 
You can use the Tax Exempt All function to change all menu items on the check to be free from tax.

  • Click Transaction Functions and then Tax Exempt All. The check detail area shows no Tax Total.
  • Select the option again to reapply the tax. You may be required to enter a description of the tax.

POS Functions

1. Assign a cash drawer

  • Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select Manager Procedures button located on the bottom right of the check screen.
  • Select POS Functions from the tabs above
  • Select Assign Cash Drawer.
  • Confirm your selection to assign the cash drawer. 

2. Unassign a cash drawer

  • Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select Manager Procedures button located on the bottom right of the check screen.
  • Select POS Functions from the tabs above
  • Select Unassign Cash Drawer
  • Confirm your selection and select YES to continue. 
  • Enter your Employee ID and select Continue

3. No Sale

The No Sale operation allows a privileged workstation operator to open the cash drawer outside of a transaction without performing other operations. The workstation operator typically uses this function key to make change for a customer.

  • Click No Sale.
  • Enter the employee ID number, and then click OK.

4. Adjust Closed Check

After a check has been closed you can adjust it within 7 days. When you adjust a closed check, the check remains closed, you do not reopen it and you cannot change the menu items. You can only adjust the gratuity, payments, for example voiding a payment, or the guest count. 
You need to have the appropriate privileges to perform this operation. 

  • Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select Manager Procedures button located on the bottom right of the check screen.
  • Select POS Functions from the tabs above. Next select Adjust Closed Check.
  • Enter the check number and select OK


  • Review the details about the check you are trying to adjust and if it is indeed the right check select OK.
  • In the transaction page where you will be routed, you will see the check details in the check detail area. And you can now change the gratuity, payment as needed.

5. Reopen Closed Check

After a check has been closed, you can reopen it in the current business day. Only checks for the current business day can be reopened or reprinted.

  • Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select Manager Procedures button located on the bottom right of the check screen.
  • Select POS Functions from the tabs above. Next select Reopen Closed Check.
  • Select the check from the list.
  • Pay the check with a new tender type or select the original payment tender.

6. Reprint Closed Check 
The Reprint Closed Check function lets you reprint the check for a closed transaction in the current or previous business dates.

  • Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select Manager Procedures button located on the bottom right of the check screen.
  • Select POS Functions from the tabs above. Next select Reprint Closed Check.
  • Select the check to print, and then click Print. 
    If multiple printers are available, you are prompted to select the printer.

7. Reprint Previous Closed Check

The Reprint Previous Closed Check function lets you reprint a receipt for the last closed check.

  • Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select Manager Procedures button located on the bottom right of the check screen.
  • Select POS Functions from the tabs above. Next select Reprint Previous Closed Check.
  • If multiple printers are available, you are prompted to select the printer. Click Print.


Next, see the operations a manager can perform.  


The restaurant POS system is coming soon to US and UK restaurants.

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