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How to read the Property Financial Report

The Property Financial Report is an operations performance report that shows sales and operations data. Manager role staff can generate this report from the workstation → POS Reports → Financial reports section.

Use this report daily or see data from anytime within the last 7 days.


Please note that the displayed data is valid depending on the time period you chose in the left side part of the report:


Business Date and Time

The business date for all US restaurants starts at 03:00 AM in the time zone the restaurant is set to.

Section in the report

Data format


Start time Date and time Start day and time
End time Date and time End day and time.


Sales Information

Section in the report

Data format


Net Sales Currency Net sales amount.
Service Charges Currency Monetary amount of service charges.
Tax Collected Currency Amount of taxes collected.
Total Revenue Currency Sum of net sales, service charges, and taxes. Does not include non-revenue service charges.
Non Rev Total (=Non-Revenue Totals) Currency Sum of non-revenue service charges and non-revenue menu items.
Discount Integer and currency Number of discounted items and amount of discount
Returns Integer and currency Returns count and amount.
Void Total Integer and currency Total voids count and amount.
Credit Total Currency

Monetary amount of credit total.

A total created when an employee round results in a negative balance.


If the negative balance was created by voiding a menu item, the tax associated with the item is posted to Credit Total.


If the negative balance was created by a negative value menu item, the entire value of the menu item and any associated taxes is posted to the Credit Total. In either of these two cases, the amount posted to the Credit Total can’t exceed the negative balance of the round.


E.g. a server voids two lobster dinners priced at 20 USD with 2 USD total tax for a void total of 42 USD. In the same round, the server orders several more menu items with a total value (including tax) of 41 USD. The transaction value of the round is -1 USD. Since the round resulted in a negative balance, and the negative balance was created by voiding menu items, the tax associated with those menu items (2 USD) is posted to the Credit Total. However, the negative balance of the round is only -1 USD; the amount posted to the Credit Total cannot exceed this amount. In this example, -1 USD is posted to the Credit Total.

Rounding Total Currency

The difference between the rounded totals printed on guest checks as the amount due and the actual totals (without rounding) posted to total revenue.

Rounding Total is used for total due rounding.

Training Total Integer and currency

The count is the number of transactions in training mode (this is not the number of checks, rather the number of service rounds).

The amount is the sum of check subtotals from each training service round.

Checks carried over Integer and currency Checks carried over for the first selected date within the date range selection
Checks begun Integer and currency Checks opened
Checks paid Integer and currency Number and monetary amount of checks paid.
Outstanding Checks as of Last Selected Date Integer and currency

The calculation is: checks carried over (first selected date) + checks begun (entire date range) - checks closed (enter date range) = outstanding checks (last selected date)

This calculation only works consistently if a contiguous date range is selected.

Cancel Total Integer and currency Number and monetary amount of cancels
Xfer in (=Checks Transferred In*) N/A N/A
Xfer out (=Checks Transferred Out*) N/A N/A
Error Corrects Integer and currency Number and monetary amount of error corrects
No Sale Integer Number of no sale transactions


Next, learn about what other reports are available in the workstation and what other functions a manager can perform



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