A) Home
The Sign-in page leads to a home page that lists open checks.

1. Press the Search Button to quickly find checks when many checks are open.
2. Open checks or preview check details by pressing anywhere on the check line.
3. Select the pencil to edit the check or close the view by selecting the “X” on the right-hand side.

In table service operations you can begin a check by table number or table ID. Typically servers who are assigned a section of tables use this function to begin a check.
1. Begin a table
- Sign into the point of sale with your ID number. To continue select Begin Table.
- Enter the table number using the onscreen keyboard and then select OK.
- Add menu items to check.
When finished, select Send to send the menu items to the kitchen for preparation.
2. Begin a check
When you start a check using the begin check function the Workstation automatically generates check numbers in numerical order.
- Sign into the point of sale with your ID number.
- Select Begin Check to continue and start adding menu items to the check.
3. Functions panel
- Access non-check functions using POS Functions (see them detailed below). For example, complete cash drawer operations and printing operations.
- Access reports, such as financial reports and check reports using POS Reports.
- Access functions, such as edit menu items and edit menu item availability using Manager Procedures.
- Return to the Sign In page using Sign Out.
Transaction Page

1. Check detail - view check details, such as the date and time, menu items on the check, the subtotal, taxes, and total due. Click the drop-down arrow in the header to view the check number, employee, and order channel (if configured).
The columns in the check detail show the quantity, menu item description, cost, and seat number. Other symbols are used, such as the asterisk for previous round items, V for voided items, and H for held items.
2. Search - use this to search for menu items. Click the Search icon to use the onscreen keyboard. A search line appears at the top of the page. Enter the item name, and then click OK.
Menu items appear in alphabetical order in groups. Upper and lower case can be used.
To clear the search entry, click the blue cross.
3. Guests - Select + and – to change the number of guests on the check. When you select + and the guest count is at 9, the number rolls to 1. To use the Guest Count number pad to enter a larger number of guests, click Guest, enter the number, and then click OK. The maximum number of guests is 9999.
4. Seats - Select + and – to change the seat numbers on a check. When you select + and the seat count is at 9, the number rolls to 1. To enter more than 9 seats, click Seats, enter the number, and then click OK. The maximum number of seats is 64.
5. Order type - Select the order type to change the value. A list of order types appears. In the image example, click Dine In to change the order type to another (such as Pickup).
6. Menu items - Select a menu item to add it to the check.
7. Family groups - Select a family group to see menu items for that specific family group. Menu item buttons and the family group button are the same color, which cannot be changed.
Family groups are listed at the bottom of the page.

8. Check Functions - Access additional functions that you can use while in a check. The Check Functions description below contains more information about these.
9. Discounts - Apply a discount to a check.
10. Service Charges - Apply a service charge to a check.
11. Payments - Apply a payment to a check.
12. Print - Print the check.
13. Send - Send (service total) menu items to the kitchen.
B) Check Functions

1. Void a check
You can use the Void Check function to void all detail lines on a check for previous rounds.
- Pick up a check.
- Click Check Functions and Void Check.
- Select from the default list of reasons for the void. The check detail area appears blank.
2. Void an item
Perform one of the following to void a menu item:
- If using gestures, select the menu item to void in the check detail area, and then swipe right or left on the item description. An Item Voided message appears briefly.
- or Select the menu item to void in the check detail area, click Check Functions or and then click Void Item.
- Select from the default reason for the void.
3. Return Item
A return may be required for various reasons, such as when the wrong item was ordered, the guest changed their mind, an item is cold rather than hot, an order is spilled or is out of stock.
This function takes the check into a Return mode, but only allows the return of one item; the Transaction Return function allows multiple returns until the Return mode is deselected.
The Return Item function is used for items that were already sent to the kitchen.
If the menu item was not yet sent, then you can simply use the Void item (in the Check Functions menu) operation which just removes the item from the check.
- Select a check or begin a new check. Click Check Functions.
- Without selecting any item from the list, click on Return Item functionality, this will mark your check with a Return banner above the check detail.

- Then add an item from the menu. The menu item added to the check is considered a return. The returned menu item shows a negative quantity in the check detail area.
- Select from the default reason for the return.

Please be aware that when you select an item, the Return mode is switched off.
4. Transaction Return
The Transaction Return function takes the check into a Return mode, like the Return Item function. However, Transaction Return allows multiple returns until the Return mode is deselected. Return Item only allows the return of one item.
- Pick up a check or begin a new check
- Click Check Functions
- Click Transaction Return. A Return mode banner appears above the check detail.
Select from the default reason for the return. All menu items added to the check after this point are considered returns and show as a negative quantity on the check. If you click Transaction Return again, the Return mode stops.
5. Cancel a transaction
You can use the Cancel Transaction function to cancel a check if it has not been sent (service totaled). It only cancels new menu items on a sent check. The check is left open.
- The Cancel Transaction button is on the Check Functions menu.
- Click Cancel Transaction to cancel the transaction, and then click Yes to confirm.
6. Add/Transfer check
You can use the Add/Transfer Check function to transfer one check to another check. When transferring checks, both checks must have the same Order Type or Order Channel assigned.
- Pick up a check or begin a new check. This will be the final destination check.
- Click Check Functions and then click Add/Transfer Check.
- To view regular checks, click Regular Checks. To view future checks, click Future Checks.
- Select the transferring check from the list. The check detail area shows the combined checks. The Home page shows only one check, which is the final destination check.
7. Edit a customer's seat number
You can use the edit seat function to change the seat number of a menu item. Items can be assigned to seats, so the server knows where to place the food on the table.
You can increment seats on the transaction page and edit seats using the Edit Seat function on the Check Functions page.
- Log into the Workstation using your employee ID.
- Create a new check or pick up an existing check. From the transaction page select Check functions located on the right-hand side. Next select Edit seat.

- From the edit seat screen, you can change items between seats, share items, add seats, and more.
First the buttons on the bottom.
From left to right you can add a seat, share an item, clear selection, cancel your progress or select OK to begin the process of saving any work that you've done.
To move items simply select an item on the screen and then tap on the screen where the item should go.

If you need to add additional seats use the Add seat function.

If multiple people at the table are sharing a single item, select that item and then select share item to share the cost if they so choose. A dialog box will appear asking you to choose the seats that will be sharing this item. Selecting select all will allow you to quickly share this item amongst all seats at the table.

Once you've made all necessary changes select OK to begin the process of saving your progress. Select yes to continue.
You will be returned to the transaction page. In the check detail area, you'll notice that each menu item has its assigned seat on the right.
8. Hold (items)
In Table Service operations you can use this function to stop items from being sent immediately to the kitchen. The customer may have asked for the starters to be delayed if one member of their party has not arrived yet.
- Click Check Functions and then click Hold. The Hold mode activates and a banner appears above the check detail.
- Select the menu item to hold. An H appears adjacent to the menu item in the check detail.
- Click Hold again to switch the Hold mode to off.
9. Fire Now (send on hold items to the kitchen)
- Log into the Workstation using your employee ID.
- From the home page, pick up the check that has the item which has been put on hold.
- From the transaction page select the check functions button located on the right-hand side.
- Select Fire Now.
- Select the items that you want to fire and then select the fire button. Once you have selected OK you'll be routed back to the check function screen and the item will have been fired.
10. Refire Items
In Table Service operations this function allows menu items from a check that has already been sent to an order device to be sent again.
- Pick up the check that was sent and contains the menu items to refire. Click Check Functions and then click Refire Items.
- Select the menu items to refire, then click Refire.
11. Split a check
In Table Service you can use the Split Check function after sending a check to separate the check by menu item so that customers can pay for the items they consumed. The splits are not equal. You can transfer portions of a guest check detail to a new check, which is then assigned its own check number. The new check can be modified independently from the original check.
- Click Check Functions and then Split Check.
- Select one or more menu items and click the check to move the item or items to.
- To add more checks, click Add Check. To share a menu item click Share Item. To deselect multiple menu items, click Clear Selection. To remove the last menu item split, click Remove Last Split.
12. Table number (edit a table)
Table service restaurants using the Restaurant POS can quickly change the table number assigned to the guest check or add a table number to a guest check that does not already have one. This can be particularly useful when a customer begins their time in your establishment at a bar and perhaps decides to sit down at a table and order some food.
- Log in to the Workstation using your employee ID.
- From the home screen, either pick up an existing check that doesn't have a table number or create a new check.
- From the transaction page select check functions located on the right-hand side.
- Select table number located on the left-hand side of the screen. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the table number that the customer will be sitting at. Select OK to continue.
- The table number you entered is now visible in the transactions page within the check detail area.
- Once you return to the home screen, you'll also see that table number on the left-hand side next to the check.
13. Change check name
As long as the check is open its name can be changed.
- Sign into the Workstation using your employee ID.
- Begin a new check or pick up an existing check. Then select Check Functions found on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Select change check name to continue.
- Enter the new check name on the keypad then select OK to proceed.
Now if you go back to the homepage, you will see the new check name represented in the check detail area.
14. Reprint Credit Voucher
You can use this function to reprint a credit card voucher that needs to be signed by the customer.
To print a credit card voucher, click Check Functions, and then click Reprint Credit Voucher.
15. Reorder items
You can use the Reorder Items function to sell menu items on the check again. This saves time if a guest asks for the same item again (for example, customers want to order another appetizer of the same kind that they had before or perhaps reorder another round of drinks).
- Sign into the Workstation using your employee ID. Click Check Functions and then click Reorder Items.
- In the Select Items to Reorder dialog, select the menu items to be ordered again, and then click Reorder. Once you select an item it will be highlighted in blue and a checkmark will be on the right hand side. When you have selected all the items necessary select reorder to continue.
- Navigate back to the transaction page and send the check to send them to the kitchen for production.

16. Tax Exempt
You can use the Tax Exempt function to change the highlighted menu item on the check to be free from tax.
- Click Check Functions and then Tax Exempt. The check detail area shows the updated Tax Total.
Select the option again to reapply the tax. You may be required to enter a description of the tax.
17. Tax Exempt All
You can use the Tax Exempt All function to change all menu items on the check to be free from tax.
- Click Check Functions and then Tax Exempt All. The check detail area shows no Tax Total.
- Select the option again to reapply the tax. You may be required to enter a description of the tax.
C) POS Functions
POS functions are performed outside of a check. These include the types of operations below.

1. Assign a cash drawer
- Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select the POS Functions button located on the bottom of the screen.
- Select Assign Cash Drawer.
- Confirm your selection to assign the cash drawer.
2. Unassign a cash drawer
- Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and then select the POS Functions button located on the bottom of the screen.
- Select Unassign Cash Drawer.
- Confirm your selection and select YES to continue.
- Enter your Employee ID and select Continue.
3. No Sale (open cash drawer outside transactions)
The No Sale operation allows a privileged workstation operator to open the cash drawer outside of a transaction without performing other operations. The workstation operator typically uses this function key to make change for a customer.
- Click No Sale.
- Enter the employee ID number, and then click OK.
4. Adjust a closed check
After a check has been closed you can adjust it within 7 days. When you adjust a closed check, the check remains closed, you do not reopen it and you cannot change the menu items. You can only adjust the gratuity, payments, for example voiding a payment, or the guest count.
You need to have the appropriate privileges to perform this operation.
- Sign into the Workstation using your employee ID and navigate to POS Functions menu. Next select Adjust Closed Check.
- Enter the check number and select OK.
- Review the details about the check you are trying to adjust and if it is indeed the right check select OK.
- In the transaction page where you will be routed, you will see the check details in the check detail area. And you can now change the gratuity, payment, or guest count as needed.
5. Reopen Closed Check
After a check has been closed, you can reopen it in the current business day. Only checks for the current business day can be reopened or reprinted.
- Sign into the Workstation using your employee ID and select POS Functions at the bottom of the home screen.
- Next select Reopen Closed Check.
- Select the check from the list.
- Pay the check with a new tender type or select the original payment tender.
6. Begin Future Orders
Sometimes you need to put a check in and have it fire at a certain time in the near future.
- Sign into the Workstation using your employee ID and select POS Functions at the bottom of the home screen. Select Begin Future Order.
- Select the time that this order will fire. Use your finger to adjust the month, date and time fields. You can also use today and tomorrow buttons on the right for quick access to other dates.
- Select OK to continue.
- Create a check as you usually would and select Send again. The future order that you just put in does not yet appear. It will display on the home screen at the time you selected at the beginning of the process and will be fired to the kitchen.
7. Auto Block Transfer Checks
You can transfer checks from one employee to another using the Auto Block Transfer Checks function. This is typically used at the end of a shift for one employee to transfer the open checks to another employee.
- Click Auto Block Transfer Checks.
- Select the employee to transfer checks from. The checks are transferred.

- At the successfully transferred checks to employee message, click OK.

8. Pick Up Check
There are 2 ways in which you can pick up a check:
A. from the check details page
- Sign into the Workstation with your employee ID. You will be automatically directed to the home page which contains a list of all open checks at your disposal.
- Select the record line for the check that you want to pick up.

- On the transaction page add items to the check, proceed with payment etc

B. from the POS Functions page.
- Sign into the Workstation using your employee ID. You will be routed to the check detail page.
- Select POS Functions found in the bottom ribbon.
- Select the Pick Up Check option. On the pickup checklist select the record line for the check that you want to pick up.
To filter the types of checks shown select one of the following: future checks, regular checks, held items only.

Once you have selected your check, you'll be directed to the transaction page were you can add additional menu items to the check, proceed with payments, amongst other options.
9. Reprint a closed check
The reprint closed check function lets you reprint the check for a closed transaction in the current or previous business dates.
- Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and select the POS Functions button.
- Select Reprint Closed Check, select the check to print and then print. If multiple printers are available you'll be prompted to select the appropriate printer.
10. Reprint Previous Closed Check
- Log into the Workstation using your employee ID and select the POS Functions button.
- Click Reprint Previous Closed Check. If multiple printers are available, you are prompted to select the printer.
- Click Print.
Paid Out, Paid In and Tips Paid are functions used when you add or take cash out of the cash drawer.
11. Paid Out
Paid-out transactions are required when money is removed from the cash drawer, such as tips paid to employees in cash or payments to vendors for products. Pickup transactions appear on the Property Financial Reports in the configured Report Group sections.
- In the Cash Operations section, click Paid Out transaction and enter the amount of the transaction, then click OK.
- Select the pickup reason.

12. Tips Paid
These transactions are required when money is removed from the cash drawer, such as tips paid to employees in cash or payments to vendors for products. Tips Paid transactions appear on the Property Financial Reports in the configured Report Group sections.
- In the Cash Operations section, click Tips Paid transaction and enter the amount of the transaction, then click OK.

- Insert employee ID number
Employee ID can be defined in the Manager Procedures section ->Assign Employee ID (manually by filling in a strings of numbers or by swiping the RFID Card).

- Select the pickup reason.

13. Paid In
Paid-in transactions are required when money is added to the cash drawer, such as floats or loans. Loan transactions appear on Property Financial Report in the configured Report Group sections.
- In the Cash Operations section, click Paid In and enter the amount of the transaction, and then click OK.

- Select the loan reason.

Next, check out the operations that a manager can perform on a workstation.
The restaurant POS system is coming soon to US and UK restaurants.