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Add choices and addons to menu items in a check

Some menu items can be further modified by adding extra toppings, or for example selecting a type of bun for a burger. These are created as addons and choices groups in the restaurant administration panel Setup -> Menu setup. When a guest orders them in-store, you can select and add them to the check.

Start building your restaurant menu from your restaurant admin panel -> Setup -> Menu setup.
Begin by creating menu categories and menu items. 
Next, define choices and addons for food items.

Let us see how to add these options to a menu item when creating a check on the workstation. 

In the POS workstation, the choices/addons (you may commonly refer to them as modifiers or condiments) will behave differently if they are mandatory or optional.

This is how you add required choices to a menu item when in a check: 

When you add required choices/addons you need to choose one of the selections. In this case it will be displayed with an * next to its name. Also, the word Required appears before the selection instructions.

Click Done to save the menu item and addons to the check. 

This is how you add optional choices to a menu item when in a check: 

In the case of an optional addon/choice, add the menu item to the check and click on it. The optional addons/choices are displayed and you can select from them which ones to add to the menu item in the check. 

Click Done to save the menu item and addons to the check. 

The addons/choices section provides a tabbed workflow that automatically advances through required and/or optional choices and addons when adding menu items. There are two methods of entering these:

  • Start with the first tab and move automatically to the next tab when the required modifiers have been fulfilled.
  • Jump ahead to any tab and move around the addons/choices section independently, rather than being guided through from start to finish.

Tabs are marked with a green check mark if a selection has been made from the tab.


How to cancel a menu item with added choices/addons

This is how you cancel a menu item with a choice/addon:


The Cancel Item button appears throughout and cancels the menu item and all choices/addons. 

The message that appears when you click Cancel Item on an existing item with choices/addons is to prevent servers from accidentally voiding items and their choices/addons. 
No warning message appears for menu items with choices/addons that have not already been saved to the check.

The Done button appears only after the required choices/addons have been entered. You can either click Done, or enter other optional choices/addons (for example, pizza toppings).

Additional notes

  • When adding an optional choice in the Menu Setup section, even if you deselect the “Allow adding same choice multiple times”, you will be able to add it to the menu item multiple times when on the workstation;


  • It is recommended to plan ahead the order of choices/addons you set in the Menu Setup section. The workstation will always show the choices in the initial order you set it in the restaurant admin panel. If you want to rearrange the choices in the workstation, go back to the admin panel, delete and recreate the choice in the order you desire.
  • The printed receipt will reflect only the choices/addons names, not the group name:

Now that you know how to select modifiers on the POS workstation, check out what operation style better suits your restaurant's menu and working flow. 



The restaurant POS system is coming soon to US and UK restaurants.

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